WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Democratic National Convention Energizes Democrats Across the Nation

CHICAGO – Last week, thousands of Democrats from all across the nation came together in Chicago to honor President Biden’s legacy and rally around the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz. At the Democratic National Convention, the broad, diverse, and energetic coalition behind the Harris-Walz ticket was on full display.

The 2024 Democratic National Convention accomplished its goal of reaching new audiences and bringing the story of the Harris-Walz ticket directly to the American people. The convention pulled in massive viewership across all four days of programming and reached millions more in print, online, and on the airwaves.

Take a look at what they are saying about the 2024 Democratic National Convention:

The Washington Post: Democrats have more than just memories on their side this year

Regardless of one’s politics, and no matter the (massive) policy differences between the two parties, Democrats delivered a welcome reprieve from the scowling Republican leader and the joyless bunch who gathered last month in Milwaukee.

CNN: Harris gives Americans the chance to make history

The first Black woman to claim a major party nomination on Thursday styled her “unlikely journey” to the Democratic nod as the springboard to lift the country to a new place after years being torn apart by its bitter divides.

Lexington Herald Leader: The Two Political Parties’ Conventions Showcased Huge Difference in Values

Last week the Democrats managed to do what seems impossible to bring off in any modern multi-day political convention: they not only kept the attention of the 20,000 or so in the United Center, but consistently moved them, often to exuberance.

Washington Post: The Democratic National Convention made an impossible job look easy

The party faced the daunting narrative task of honoring one leader, elevating another and keeping (almost) everyone happy. It worked.

KVOA: Harris accepts historic nomination at DNC; Southern Arizona delegates react

“It’s breathtaking,” she said. “The word joy seems trivial sometimes but there’s no other word for it. I’ve tried to think of different words for it. It’s just joy to be there and see so many people so happy, so energized about the future and looking forward and not going back. I’m going to do what Michelle said. I’m going to do something.”

The Daily Herald: ‘Kamala knocked it out of the park’: Chicago-area delegates have glowing reviews for Harris’ acceptance speech

“The entire energy throughout the convention was electrifying throughout the week, and it hit a new high (Thursday night),” said Lake County Clerk Anthony Vega, a Grayslake resident who was a delegate for the 10th Congressional District.

NPR: Biden caps off a career in public service as Democrats celebrate his legacy at DNC

For roughly three and a half minutes the crowd welcomed Biden with a sustained ovation. His attempts to speak were repeatedly drowned out by cheers and chants of “thank you, Joe.”

Many in the crowd, Biden included, were brought to tears.

CNN: A reenergized Democratic campaign surges to convention ratings win over Republicans

Excitement over Harris’ candidacy, as well as soaring speeches by former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former First Lady Michelle Obama, as well as appearances by a host of celebrities, including Stevie Wonder, John Legend, Pink, Kerry Washington and Mindy Kaling helped fuel viewership.

The New Yorker: Proud and Impassioned, Joe Biden Passes the Torch at the D.N.C.

The speech that followed was a valedictory, mapping the arc that he hopes will form the center of his legacy, the story of America passing from a moment of national peril to one of possibility. He conjured the depths of the pandemic, and the horror of January 6th: “I stand before you now on this August night to report that democracy has prevailed.” He spoke of legislative gains—on drug prices, climate change, gun control, infrastructure—that will endure beyond the careers of the politicians who achieved them.

Minnesota Star Tribune: At the end of the DNC, Minnesotan delegates thrilled with the ticket

The Minnesota delegation danced, clapped and whooped its way through the final night of the Democratic National Convention, sporting purple Viking helmets and bursting with pride on the convention floor.

Washington Post: The Democratic Party looks more like America, and not just on TV

“In America, you can’t lead the people if you don’t love the people,” Booker said. Then he drilled down on the point: “All the people.”

New York Times: Harris Wants America to See Itself in Her

Over the course of four days, speaker after speaker at her convention sought to familiarize voters with Ms. Harris and reassure the nation that the vision she is putting forward of an inclusive nation wasn’t all that different from the reality of many American homes.

The Guardian: Democrats rejoice as ‘joyful’ Kamala Harris puts them back in the game

The energy and optimism at the Democratic convention was palpable.

Deadline: “Pitch Perfect” Kamala Harris’ DNC Speech Praised By Michelle Obama, Rob Reiner, Magic Johnson & More

As for the reaction to what the first Black woman to be nominated for president by a major American political party said tonight, it was a landslide of approval from Hollywood, top Dems and a trailblazing former First Lady.

New York Times: Joyful Feelings as Democratic Convention Concludes

Watching the eloquent, venerable, authentic speakers at the Democratic National Convention this week, culminating with the phenomenal Kamala Harris, I felt like the lab beagle in one of those videos who sees grass and sunshine for the first time.

Chicago Tribune: Editorial: Chicago and the Democrats both rebranded together in a dazzling show of DNC strength

Whatever your political views, there can be no question the Democrats conceived a formidable, multiday television show, all the more impressive for how well it worked in the arena itself.

New York Magazine: Kamala Harris Gave the Best Acceptance Speech I’ve Ever Seen

Kamala Harris rose to the occasion with a perfect nominating acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. I’ve never seen a nominee target their political objectives so precisely. The text was ideally suited to the electoral challenge she faces, and her delivery exuded strength and inspiration.

CBS: Biden says “I gave my best to you” and passes torch to Harris in DNC speech last night

“I believed then and I believe now that progress was and is possible,” Mr. Biden said. “Justice is achievable. And our best days are not behind us — they’re before us. Now, it’s summer. The winter has passed. And with a grateful heart, I stand before you now on this August night to report that democracy has prevailed. Democracy has delivered. And now, democracy must be preserved.”

Chicago Tribune: Optimistic Democrats go heavy on the patriotism at DNC convention in Chicago

When Republican former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan spoke from the stage of weathering former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, he summed up the Democratic star-spangled pitch as he crossed party lines.

“If you vote for Kamala Harris in 2024, you are not a Democrat. You are a patriot,” he said.

Detroit Free Press: At DNC, Democrats were invigorated for Kamala Harris. Now, they’ve got to get to work.

The party is over, and now it’s game on.